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AAMC American Air Mail Catalog
ADD, ADDL Additional
ADDR Addressed
AIEP Association Internationale des Experts Philateliques (International Association of Philatelic Experts)
ALB Album
APEX American Philatelic Society Expertising Service
APS American Philatelic Society
ASDA American Stamp Dealers Association
ATL, ATLC Air Transport Label Catalog
B Book (philatelic literature)
B, BK, BKLT Booklet (complete}
B&K Berthold & Kummer: Handbook of Zeppelin Letters, Postal cards, and Stamps
B&D Blau & Deighton: Graf Zeppelin Orient Flight
BALE Bale Catalog of Israel Postage Stamps
BEP Bureau of Engraving and Printing (U.S.A.)
BET, BTW, BTWN Between
BKSTP(D) Backstamp(ed)
BLK Block
BLK-OF-4 Block of four (or, six, nine, twelve, etc.)
BOES Boesman: 1793-1968 Balloon Posts World Catalog
BOL Bolaffi Specialized Italy Postage Stamp Catalog
BOT, BT, BTM Bottom
BP Booklet Pane
BPA British Philatelic Association
BPA Certificate British Philatelic Association Expertising Ltd. Certificate
BS, BSTMP Backstamp
BSM Bit(s) of selvage missing
BW Bradbury, Wilkinson (Stamp Printers, Great Britain)
C, CVR Cover or Postal Stationery Entire
CA Watermarked: Crown CA
CACH, CHT Cachet(ed)
CC Corner Card (printed return address on cover)
CC Corner Crease
CC Cut Cancel (knife-type cutting penetrates the stamp)
CC Watermarked: Crown CC
CCC Collectors Club of Chicago
CCNY Collectors Club of New York
CCR Corner Crease
CDS Circular Date Stamp (circular cancellation)
CHERUB Cherubin: Italian Air Mail catalog
CN, CXL Cancel
CPL, CMPLT Complete
CR Crampon: Pacific Flight Covers handbook
CR Crease
CTO Canceled to Order
CV Catalog Value
CMW Commonwealth
CYL Cylinder
D, DOC Document
DBL Double
DCDS Double Circular Date Stamp
DIFF Different
DIST Disturbed
DL Double Line (cancellation)
DLR De La Rue (Stamp Printers, Great Britain)
DR CDS Double-Ring Circular Date Stamp
DUPL Duplication
DS Date Stamp
E Essay
E, EST Estimated Net Value
ECV Estimated Cash Value
ED  Edition
EDIFIL Spain and Spanish Offices & Colonies Specialized Postage Stamp Catalog
EKU Earliest Known Use
EL Envelope Letter (folded letter)
ELS Entire Letter Sheet (with contents)
ENG, ENGR Engraved
EPMM Erased Pencil Mark(s) in Margin(s) on complete stamp sheets
EU, EUS Eustice: The Australian Air Mail Catalog
EZ, E-Z Ellington-Zwisler: Rocket Mail Catalog
F Forgery
FAC Forwarding Agent Cachet
FACIT Facit (specialized Scandinavian postage stamp catalog)
FC Fancy Cancel
FC Folded Cover
FDC First Day Cover
FDI First Day of Issue
FFC First Flight Cover
FL Folded Letter
FLT, FLTS Fault(s)
FOR, FORBIN Catalogue de Timbres-Fiscaux, 1915 (worldwide revenue stamp catalog)
FPS Few Perforations Separated
FSAT French and Southern Antarctica Territories
FU Fine Used
F/W Franked With
GPO General Post Ofice
GPS Certificate Germany Philatelic Society Certificate
GTR Gutter
H Heavy
H, HORIZ Horizontal
H&G Higgins & Gage (worldwide postal stationery catalog)
HB Hardbound
HC Hand Cancel
HS, H/S, HNDSTMP Hand Stamp
IMP, IMPRF Imperforate
IMPT Imprint
INCL Including
INV, INVTD Inverted
JPS China/Taiwan Japan Philatelic Society Specialized China/Taiwan Catalog
JPS China/PRC Japan Philatelic Society Specialized Peoples Republic of China Catalog
JPS - Japan Japan Philatelic Society Specialized Japan Catalog
KPC Korean Specialized Postage Stamp Catalog
L Literature
L, LT Left (side)
LC Large Crown (British watermark)
LE Line Engraved (Victorian-era postage stamps, Great Britain)
LIP Light Impression of Plate No. (on U.S.A. Plate No. Blocks)
LITHO Lithographed
LKU Latest Known Use
LL Looseleaf
LP, LPR Line Pair (coil stamps)
LR Lower Right
LS Letter Sheet (without contents)
LTA Lighter than air (postage stamps and/or postal history)
M Map
M, MEM Memorabilia
MACH Machine
MC Machine Cancel
MC Maltese Cross (British obliterator cancel)
MCA Watermarked: Multiple Crown CA
Mi Michel (specialized German catalog)
MI Margin Inscription
MM Modified Margin
MM, mm Millimeter
MS, M/S Miniature Sheet
MS, M/S, MNS Manuscript
MTA Matched Typed Address
MU, MUL Muller: Catalogue des Aerogrammes du Monde Entier, 1950 (specialized worldwide First Flight Cover Catalog)
NAT Natural
NGC Natural Gum Crease
NGS Natural Gum Skip
NNM Normal Narrow Margin
NORG, NORGE Specialized Norway Postage Stamp Catalog
NVPH Catalog Specialized Netherlands & Colonies Postage Stamp Catalog
Numerical Oblit Obliterator Cancel with Number Inserted (for Post Office Identification; may or may not include additional Letter(s))
Oblit Obliterator Cancel (e.g., Grid Cancel)
OLS Outer Letter Sheet
OnB On Board (Zeppelin Mail cachet)
OPP Opposite
ORD Ordinary (paper)
OVPT(D) Overprint(ed)
O/W Otherwise
P, PRF Proof
PB Perkins Bacon, Ltd. (Stamp Printers, Great Britain)
PB Plate Block
PC, PCD Postal Card, Post Card
PC, PCE Used Stamp on Piece
PERF Perforate(d)
PF Philatelic Foundation (New York)
PFC Philatelic Foundation (New York) Certificate
PH Photo, Photocopy
PHOTO Photogravure
PI Perf Intial(s)
PIP Partial Impression of Plate No. (on U.S.A. Plate No. Blocks)
PL # BLK Plate No. Block
PMK, PSMK Postmark
PMOG Pencil Mark on Gum
PNG Pencil Note(s) on Gum
PNT Plate No. Trimmed
POR Price Upon Request
POS Position
PPC Picture Post Card
PPM Pencil Mark(s) in Margin(s) on complete stamp sheets
PR Pair
PR Prices Realized
PREC Precanceled
PSE Postal Stationery Entire
PSE Professional Stamp Expertisers (Miami)
PSEC Professional Stamp Expertisers (Miami) Certificate
PSRE Postal Stationery Registered Envelope
R Reprint
R, RT Right (side)
R&S Reiche and Sendbuehler Nos. (Canadian small Queen issue re-entries)
RE Reinforced
REC Received
REC'G CDS Receiving Circular Date Stamp
RECON Reconstructed
REG, Regstrd Registered
REG Regular (issue)
REP Repair
REPR Reprint
RMNT Remnant
RPSL Royal Philatelic Society, London
RPS Certificate Royal Philatelic Society Certificate
RUCH Ruch (specialized Poland catalog)
S, SP, Sp, SPEC Specimen
SAN Sanabria's Air Post Catalog
SAS Sassone Specialized Italy Postage Stamp Catalog
SB Softbound
SB Stock Book
SB Suggested Bid
SC Small Crown (British Watermark)
SC, Sc Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalog
Script Watermark: Multiple Crown Script CA
SE Straight Edge
SEP(S) Separation(s)
SF Space Filler
SFL Stampless Folded Letter
SG Stanley Gibbons (Great Britain) Postage Stamp Catalogue
SG, SIEG Sieger.Zeppelinpost Spezial-Katalog (specialized Zeppelin Mail Catalog)
SH, SHT Sheet
SHM Staple Holes in Margin
SL Straight Line (cancellation)
SM Small
SON "Socked-on-the-Nose" (cancellation centrally struck on stamp)
SP Short Perf
SP Surface Printed
SR CDS Single-Ring Circular Date Stamp
SS, S/S Souvenir Sheet
STK, STKBK Stockbook
STMP(S) Stamp(s)
STR Strip
STR-OF-3 Strip-of-3
SUM Sum Bid (for muiltiple auction lots)
SURCH Surcharge
T Top
T(S), TH(S) Thin(s)
TC Trial Color (Proof)
TNI Tiny Natural Inclusion(s)
TPE Tiny Paper Enclosure(s
TPO Travelling Post Office
TRD Temporary Rubber Datestamp (Cancellation)
TRNS CDS Transit Circular Date Stamp
TGS Tropical Gum Stain(s)
TR Tear
TS Tropical stain(ing)
TYPO Typographed
U Used
UDC Undated Circular Cancel
UCS, UT Unitrade Specialized Canada Catalog
UNL Unlisted
UL Upper Left
UNADDR Unaddressed
UNWMKD Unwatermarked
UPU Universal Postal Union
UR Upper Right
USPO United States Post Office Department
USPS United States Postal Service
V Violini: Catalog of Graf Zeppelin Mail
V, VERT Vertical
VAR(S) Variety (Varieties)
VD Van Dam Specialized Canadian Revenues catalog
VIG, VIGN Vignette
VL, Vl Vlastos (specialized Greece catalog)
W/ With
W/O Without
W/OG Without Original Gum
WMK(D) Watermark(ed)
YANG Yang (specialized Hong Kong catalog)
YD Year Date
YV, Yv Yvert et Tellier (specialized French catalog)
ZUM, ZM Zumstein Specialized Switzerland and Liechtenstein Postage Stamp Catalog

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Thursday October 15, 2009 7:58PM