A thru Z- |
Revenue Stamped Paper, Suffix |
A- |
Forerunner (India, stamps used abroad) |
AR- |
Postal-Fiscal |
AX- |
Forerunners (CSA-Postmasters’ Provisionals) |
B |
Semi-postal |
BK- |
Booklets (US, GB) |
BKC- |
Airmail booklets, US Specialized only |
C |
Airmail |
CB- |
Airmail Semipostal (Italy) |
CBO- |
Airmail Semi-postal official (Cyrenaica) |
CE- |
Airmail Special Delivery |
CL- |
Semi-official Airmail, US Specialized only |
CM- |
Military Airmail (US RF overprints), US Specialized only |
CO- |
Airmail Official |
CP- |
Commemorative Panel, Suffix |
CQ- |
Airmail Parcel Post (Haiti) |
D- |
Pneumatic (Italy) |
E- |
Special Delivery |
E- |
Essay, Suffix |
EB- |
Semi-postal Special Delivery (Italy) |
EO- |
Special Delivery Official |
ER- |
Delivery Tax (Spain) |
EX- |
Personal Delivery (Czechoslovakia) |
EY- |
Authorized Delivery (Italy) |
F |
Registration |
FA- |
Certified Mail, US Specialized only |
G- |
Insured Letter (Mexico) |
GY- |
Marine Insurance (Netherlands) |
H- |
Acknowledgment of Receipt |
H- |
Flat Plate Imperf Coil, also V, Suffix |
I- |
Late Fee (Panama, Denmark, etc.) |
J- |
Postage Due |
JX- |
Porte de Mar (Mexico) |
JQ- |
Parcel Post Postage Due (US) |
K- |
Offices (US, Poland, etc.) |
KB- |
Exile Government Semi-postal (Poland, etc.) |
L- |
Local |
LB- |
Local Semi-postal (Yugoslavia, Spain) see SUS |
LB- |
Local Carriers’, also in Standard Catalogue |
LC- |
Local Airmail (Spain) |
LE- |
Local Special Delivery (Yugoslavia, Spain) |
LEB- |
Local Semi-postal Special delivery (Spanish Morocco) |
LF- |
Department (local) Registration |
LH- |
Department Acknowledgment of Receipt |
LJ- |
Local Postage Due (Saudi Arabia, etc.) |
LN- |
Occupation Postage (Italy) |
LNC- |
Occupation Airmail (Italy) |
LNE- |
Occupation Special Delivery (Italy) |
LO- |
Local Official (Nicaragua) |
LO- |
Official Carriers’ (US) |
LOX- |
Typeset Post office Seals, US Specialized only |
LP- |
Local Newspaper (Yugoslavia) |
LQ- |
Local Parcel Post (PRC) |
LU- |
Local Envelope (US, Switzerland) |
LUP- |
Local Wrapper, US Specialized only |
LX- |
City Postage (Sweden, Colombia) |
M- |
Military |
MB- |
Military Semi-postal (Austria, etc.) |
MC- |
Military Airmail |
MCE- |
Military Airmail Special Delivery (Italy) |
ME- |
Military Special Delivery (Italy) |
MH- |
Machins (GB), see NIMH, SMH, WMMH |
MP- |
Military Newspaper (Austria) |
MQ- |
Military Parcel Post (Germany) |
MR- |
War Tax |
N- |
Occupation |
NB- |
Occupation Semi-postal |
MC- |
Occupation Airmail (Montenegro) |
NCB- |
Occupation Airmail Semi-postal (Montenegro) |
NCE- |
Occupation Airmail Special Delivery (Yugoslavia) |
NE- |
Occupation Special Delivery |
Machins (GB-Northern Ireland) |
NJ- |
Occupation Postage Due |
NL- |
Occupation Rural Delivery (Poland) |
NO- |
Occupation Official |
NP- |
Occupation Newspaper |
NRA- |
Occupation Postal Tax (Romania, Greece) |
Occupation Postal Tax Due (Romania) |
NU- |
Occupation Envelopes, US Specialized only |
NUX- |
Occupation Postal Card, US Specialized only |
NUZ- |
Occupation Official Card, US Specialized only |
O- |
Official |
OA- |
Official Perfin Postage (Canada) Classic Catalogue, only |
OAC- |
Official Perfin Airmail (Canada) Classic Catalogue, only |
OAE- |
Official Perfin Special Delivery (Canada) Classic Catalogue, only |
OB- |
Official Perfin Postage (Australia) Classic Catalogue, only |
OC- |
Official Perfin Postage (Australia); Airmail (Canada) Classic Catalogue,
only |
OCC- |
Official Perfin Airmail (Australia) Classic Catalogue, only |
OCE- |
Official Perfin Airmail Special Delivery (Canada) Classic Catalogue, only
OD- |
Official Department (Argentina) |
OE- |
Official Perfin Special Delivery (Canada) Classic Catalogue, only |
Ol- |
Local Official (Germany) |
OX- |
Post Office Seal (Official Seal) (US, Canada, Newfoundland-Classic) |
OY- |
Life Insurance (New Zealand) |
P- |
Newspaper (Cuba, etc.) see PR |
P- |
Proof, Suffix |
PN- |
Postal Note, US Specialized only |
PR- |
Newspaper Tax (Hungary), Newspaper (US) |
PS- |
Postal Savings, US Specialized only |
Q- |
Parcel Post |
QE- |
Special Handling (US, Bosnia, Austria) |
QI- |
Postal Insurance, US Specialized only |
QO- |
Parcel Post Official (Guyana) |
QY- |
Parcel Post Authorized Delivery (Italy) |
R- |
Revenue (US) |
RA- |
Postal Tax |
RAB- |
Semi-postal Postal Tax (Brazil, Greece) |
RAC- |
Airmail Postal-tax (Dominican Republic, Haiti) |
RAJ- |
Postal Tax Due |
RB- |
Proprietary (US) |
RC- |
Future Delivery (US) |
RD- |
Stock Transfer (US) |
RE- |
Cordials, Wines, Etc., US Specialized only |
REA- |
Beer, US Specialized only |
RF- |
Playing Card, US Specialized only |
RFV- |
Playing Card-DWI, US Specialized only |
RG- |
Silver Tax, US Specialized only |
RH- |
Cigarette Tube, US Specialized only |
RI- |
Potato Tax, US Specialized only |
RJ- |
Tobacco Sale Tax, US Specialized only |
RJA- |
Narcotic Tax, US Specialized only |
RK- |
Consular Service Fee, US Specialized only |
RL- |
Customs Fee, US Specialized only |
RM- |
Embossed Stamped Paper, US Specialized only |
RN- |
Revenue Stamps Paper, US Specialized only |
RO- |
Private Die Match, US Specialized only |
RP- |
Private Die Canned Fruit, US Specialized only |
RQ- |
Unemployment Insurance (Ryukyu), US Specialized only |
RS- |
Private Die Medicine, US Specialized only |
RT- |
Private Die Perfumery, US Specialized only |
RU- |
Private Die Playing Card, US Specialized only |
RV- |
Motor Vehicle Use, US Specialized only |
RVB- |
Boating, US Specialized only |
RVC- |
Camping, US Specialized only |
RVT- |
Trailer Permit, US Specialized only |
RW- |
Hunting Permit (US) |
RX- |
Distilled Spirits, US Specialized only |
RY- |
Firearms Transfer, US Specialized only |
RZ- |
Rectification, US Specialized only |
S- |
Savings, US Specialized only |
S- |
Franchise |
S- |
Specimen, Suffix |
SMH- |
Machins (GB-Scotland) |
T- |
Telegraph, US Specialized only |
TC- |
Trial Color Proof, Suffix |
TO- |
Official Telegraph, US Specialized only |
TS- |
Treasury Savings, US Specialized only |
U- |
Envelopes (US etc., GB) |
UC- |
Airmail Envelope (US) |
UCM- |
Military Airmail Envelope (US RF overprints), US Specialized only |
UE- |
Special Delivery Envelope (Hawaii), US Specialized only |
UF- |
Registration Envelope (CZ), US Specialized only |
UO- |
Official Envelope (US) |
UX- |
Postal Card, US Specialized only |
UXC- |
Airmail Postal Card |
UY- |
Reply Postal Card |
UZ- |
Official Postal card, US Specialized only |
V- |
Flat Plate Imperf Coil, also H, Suffix |
W- |
Wrapper, US Specialized only |
Machins (G-Wales & Monmouthshire) |
WO- |
Official Wrapper, US Specialized only |
WS- |
War Savings, US Specialized only |
WX- |
Christmas Seals, US Specialized only |
X- |
Postmaster’ Provisionals (Bermuda, US) |
XI-XR- |
Postmasters’ Provisional Revenue (Ryukyu), US Specialized only |
XU- |
Postmasters’ Provisional Envelope |
Y- |
Revolutionary Government Postage (Philippines), US Specialized only |
YF- |
Revolutionary Government Registration (Philippines), US Specialized only
YP- |
Revolutionary Government Postage (Philippines), US Specialized only |
Z- |
Special Purpose (Japan) |