Expertizers and Expertizing Committees
The listed Expertizers and Expertizing Committees are recognized as competent authorities in their specialized fields of
philately and/or postal history.
Prior to submitting an item for review, the designated competent authority should be contacted to determine fees, and for
paperwork that may be required to accompany a submission. In the case of an item being purchased at auction "on Extension,"
the auctioneer of the item should be informed of the competent authority being considered. The auctioneer must agree with
the Expertizer or Expertizing Committee to be used before an extension will be granted.
Remember, Expertizers and Expertizing Committees only offer an opinion and not a guarantee. It is possible, although generally
improbable, that over the years an opinion may change.
Walter AbtPostfach 103
Basel, CH-4027 Switzerland
1843-1908: hotel post, international organizations
Manfred Althen
Postfach 11 10
Bad Vilbel, D-61101 Germany
Allenstein: occupation issues
American First Day Cover Society
Allison W. Cusick, AFDCS Expertising Chairman
PO Box 141379
OH 43214, USA
U.S. First Day Covers
American Philatelic Expertizing Service (APEX)
The American Philatelic Center
100 Match Factory Place
PA 16823
Ricardo Alvarez
P.O. Box 662
San Jose. 1000 Costa Rica
Costa Rica, Central America with Air Mail and
Dr. Hartmut Arenz
Postfach 40 01 10
Köln, D-50831 Germany
Allenstein: occupation issues; Allied occupation:
manuscript and emergency cancels, postal stationery; American, British and French Zones: manuscript, and emergency cancels,
postal stationery; Soviet Zone: manuscript and emergency cancels, postal stationery; Local issues (1945-46): Altenreptow,
Apolda, Arnsberg, Bad Nauheim, Bad Saarow, Bad Schmiedeberg, Brackwede, Braunsbedra, Bünde, Demmin, Döbeln, Dusseldorf, Eckartsberga,
Ellington, Finsterwalde, Flensburg, Görlitz, Grabov, Grossraschen, Hamburg, Hamm, Kiel, Cologne, Löbau, Löhne, Lubbenaü, Lüttenberg,
Meissen, Mindelheim, Netzschkau-Reichenbach, Nlesky, Plaven, Röhrmoos, Spremberg, Storkow, Strausberg, Titisee, Unna, Wittenberg,
Finn Aune
Oevre Elnes vei 7
N-1390 Vollen, Norway
Jean Baete
21, Pontstraat
Deurle-St. Martens-Latem, B-9831 Belgium
Belgium and Congo - Zaire
Jürgen Bärsch
Walkmühlstr. 42
Wiesbaden, D-65195 Germany
Saar: official (Michel 1-31)
Günter Ballschmidt
Postfach 41 05 01
Berlin, D-12115 Germany
Soviet Zone: districts 3, 16, 20, 29, 36,
37, 38
Günter Bechtold
Postfach 11 55
Weilheim, D-82351 Germany
1916-1945: Michel 96-337; Official stamps (Michel
16-98); official control prints
Bernard Behr
30 avenue de l'Opera
F-75002 Paris, France
Pascal Olivier Behr
30, avenue de l'Opera
F-75002 Paris, France
France 1849-1900: stamps and postal
history; France 1900-1945: stamps; French Colonies 1800-1945: stamps and postal history
Ruggero Benussi
52/g viale Dmso
Bolzano, I-39100 Italy
Yugoslavia 1918-1941
Rémy Berra-Gautschy
Place Central 7-Case postale 1494
Monthey 2, CH-1870 Switzerland
Switzerland (without
official stamps)
Florian Berger
Postfach 80 07
Limburg, D-65541 Germany
Hannover: pre-philately Mecklenburg, Oldenburg
Friedrich Wilhelm Blecher
Wernsdorfer Strasse 5, P.O. Box 1093
Winterberg, D-59955 Germany
North German
Confederation, Alsace and Lorraine and field post 1870-71
Dr. Julius Böheim
Flielßhornstr. 8
Konstanz, D-78465 Germany
Soviet Control Zone: districts 3, 14, 16,
20, 27, 29, 36, 37, 38, 41; official control prints
Alberto Bolaffi
Corso Cairolo 2
I-10123 Torino, Italy
Italian States, Italy, Cosmograms
Dieter Bortfeldt
transversal 12 bis A, 125-30, Int. 1
Bogota, Colombia
Colombia: postage stamps
Giacomo F. Bottacchi
Via Fratelli Bronzetti 21
I-10129 Milano, Italy
Sardinia: 1851-1863, stamps and
postal history; Italy: 1861-1900, stamps and postal history
Maurice Boule
BP 82
98005 Monaco Cedex, Monaco
Monaco: stamps and postal history
David Brandon
Wellington House, Guildford
Surrey GU3 1DE, England
Great Britain, British Commonwealth
Maria Brettl
Richard-Wagner-Strasse 31
Vaterstetten, D-85591 Germany
German States, especially Bavaria;
Corrientes: stamps
British Philatelic Association (BPA)
Expertizing Ltd., Administrative Office
P.O. Box 137, Leatherhead
KT22 0RG, England
Great Britain, British Colonies, Worldwide
Guido Brugger
Wacholderweg 7
Meckenbeuren, D-88074 Germany
Germany: 1872-1916 (Michel 1-30)
Jean François Brun
85, Galerie Beaujolais, Palais Royal
Paris, F-75001 France
France and French Colonies
Paul Buchsbayew
119 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019, USA
Russia, Soviet Union
Alfred Burger
Postfach 11 65
St. Ingbert, D-66361 Germany
Saar: Michel 1-52
Joachim Busse
Postfach 50 01 03
Aachen, D-52085 Germany
Soviet Zone: district 3
Roger Calves
8 rue Drouot
F-75009 Paris, France
France: Classics, French Colonies, South America, Russia
and related areas
Krzysztov (Chris) Ceremuga
P.O. Box A2313
Sydney South, NSW 1235, Australia
Australian Commonwealth:
stamps; New Guinea, Papua, Papua New Guinea: stamps and postal history; German Togo: 1914-18 Allied Occupation overprints
(British/French); German Samoa: 1914-18 Allied Occupation overprints (British/N.Z.)
Albert Cohen Sabban
4 Rue Drouot
F-75009 Paris
France: 20th century postage stamps
Dr. Giorgio Colla-Asinelli
Via Gaeta 18
Torino, I-10133 Italy
Italian States and Italy
Comision de Expertos Filatelicos
Pau Claris, 106 Entlo.
E-08009 Barcelona, Spain
Confederate Stamp Alliance Authentication Committee
10194 Old State Road
Lincoln, DE 19960-3644, USA
States of America
Andrew Cronin
P.O. Box 5722, Station "A"
Toronto, Ontario, M5W 1P2, Canada
Russia: postage stamps and
postal history; Carpatho-Ukraine; Mongolia: stamps and postal history
William T. Crowe
501 Fifth Avenue, Room 1901
New York, NY 10017-6107, USA
USA; US Possessions
Ulrich Czimmek
Am Püttkamp 66
Düsseldorf, D-40629 Germany
German Post: South West Africa
Roland Daebel
Stolzenhagener Weg 4
Wensickendorf, D-16515 Germany
Peter Darmietzel
Obere Leite 16
Marktsteinach, D-97453 Germany
Trevor Davis
P.O. Box 727
London SW20 0RP
Australia and Australian States: stamps and postal history
Lorenzo Dellavalle
Via Garessio 48/3
Torino, I-10100 Italy
Italian States, Italy, Cosmograms
Rend Demuth
7, Rue Nicolas Goedert
Bridel, L-8133 Luxemburg
Luxemburg incl. official stamps
Fausto Diaz Paulos
Brd. Espana 2954 - P.4
Montevideo, Uruguay,
Horst Dietrich
Ludgerusstrasse 33
Kaarst, D-41564 Germany
Afghanistan, including field post
Manfred Dobin
P.O. Box 77
St. Petersburg, RUS-195426 Russia
Russia's Prephilatelic Period 1750-1858
Hubertus Eibenstein
Potsdamer Str. 162
Berlin, D-10783 Germany
Cameroon (without CEF); Togo
Florian Eichhorn
Adolfsallee 17
Wiesbaden, D-65185 Germany
Japan (without WW2), stationery & offices
in China, Korea; Korea
Lothar Eisold
Karlstr. 10
Lahr, D-77933 Germany
Russia: 1857-1917; Soviet Union: to 1960
Christa Eliades
Theodor-Francke-Str. 6
Berlin, D-12099 Germany
Hans Enger
Klundbyvn 103
Redalen, N-2820 Biri, Norway
Norway (except local mails)
Eduardo Escalada-Goicochea
Victor Hugo 1
E-28004 Madrid, Spain
Spain and Spanish Colonies: stamps
and postal history; especially Carlist Wars
Maurice E. Estoppey
Pralets 3
Belmont s. Lausanne, CH-1092 Switzerland
Switzerland and Europe (classical
Dr. Ulrich Ferchenbauer
Postfach 359
A-1181 Wien, Austria
Lombardy-Venetia, Austria (Levant, DDSG, Fieldpost);
Wolfgang Flemming
Postfach 22 13 53
Leipzig, D-04133 Germany
Pre-philately: Baden; Lübeck; Prussia,
North Central German post districts; Lothringer-Fieldpost
Robert Françon, RDP
13 Chemin du Ferratier
Latour de Salvagny, F-69890 France
Wilfried Franke
Rather Schulstr. 22
Köln, D-51107 Germany
Hans Friebe
Tschaikowskistr. 61
Freiberg, D-09599 Germany
Alexandre Galinos
P.O. Box 3138
Athens, GR-10210 Greece
Greece: postal history; New Greek Territories:
postal history
Ludwig Gambert
Am See 8
Hammelburg-Obererthal, D-97762 Germany
Pre-philately: Thurn & Taxis
Dr. Raymond Goebel
c/o Soluphil SA, B.P. 2675
Luxembourg, L-1026
France (classic issues, up to 1900);
Dr. Hugo Goeggel
c/o Comestibles Italo S.A.
Apartado Aéreo 17729
Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia
postage stamps and postal history; Colombia: air mail; Brasil: first issue only; Ecuador: 19th century, postage stamps and
postal history
Richard Gratton
P.O. Box 202
Windsor, QC J1S 2L8, Canada
Canada; British North America
Francisco Graus
Calle Mallorca, 292 3-l
Barcelona, E08037 Spain
Spain and ex-colonies, Pre-adhesive
period and postal forgeries
The Vincent Graves Green Philatelic Research Foundation
10 Summerhill Avenue
Toronto, ONT
Canada M4T 1A8
British North America
Prof. Dr. Ortwin Greis
Brandheide 16
Rosengarten, D-21224 Germany
Imperial Russia: Zemstvo: stamps
and postal history; free frank mail and paper seals; postal stationery
Gunnar Gruber
Mezgerwaidring 60
Radolfzell, D-78315 Germany
Occupation issues: Upper Silesia, Schleswig
Vidal Jorge Guinovart
Plaza San Gregorio, Taumaturgo n 2 - 3° 2
Barcelona, Spain
Spain and ex-colonies
Dr. Robin David Gwynn
23 Clyde Road
Napier, New Zealand
New Zealand and Dependencies; Ship Wreck Mail;
Rail Wreck Mail
Gerhard Hahne
Torstrasse 7
Uetze, D-31311 Germany
Central Lithuania: stamps and postal history
Roy Hamilton-Bowen
Postfach 11 24
Rodgau, D-63083 Germany
Gibralter; Ireland; Malta
Philipp Harder
Postfach 10 28 21
Heidelberg, D-69018 Germany
Local Issue 1945-46: Apolda, Fredsdorf
Peter Harlos
Wilhelm-Raabe-Str. 12
Wunstorf, D-31515 Germany
French Zone: Wurttemburg-Wohnungsbau; Germany:
emergency stamps
Rolf Haspel
Wolfener Str. 2
Thalheim-Bitterfeld, D-06766 Germany
China Fieldpost: 1900-1901; Germany
fieldpost and ship post: 1914-19; Turkey military post: 1914-19; Southwest Africa: fieldpost:1903-07; Japan fieldpost: 1914-20
Jocben Heddergott
Bauerstrasse 9
Munich, D-80796 Germany
British India; Persia (up to 1891)
Fritz Heimbüchler
Bosettistrasse 9
Munich, D-81247 Germany
Moldavia and Walachia; Romania
Dr. Joachim Helbig
Uranusweg 4
Aschheim, D-85609 Germany
Bavaria 1876-1920, Thurn und Taxis, Postal
History of German States 1800-1920
Wolfgang C Hellrigl
P.O. Box 349
Bolzano, I-39100 Italy
Nepal and Tibet, India used in Nepal, India
used in Tibet
Thomas Heinrich
Georg-Brandt-Weg 15
Winnenden, D-71364 Germany
Wurttemberg: Michel 1-62
Prof. Dr. Jobst von Heintze
Postfach 18 07
Magdeburg, D-39008 Germany
Soviet zone: districts 16,36,37,38
Dr. Knut Heister
An der Hüh 9
Bad Münstereifel, D-53902 Germany
Dr. Joachim Helbig
Postfach 12 33
Aschheim, D-85609 Germany
Thurn & Taxis: 1852-1866 Pre-philatelic:
Europe North-South transit Bavaria; 1876-1920, Inflation issues; 1914-1920, Sudan
Christoph Hertsch
Zeughausgasse 24, P.O. Box 1079
Bern 7, CH-3000 Switzerland
Switzerland (classic and
modern issues)
Max Hertsch
Zeughausgasse 24, P.O. Box 1079
Bern 7, CH-3000 Switzerland
Switzerland; classic Europe
by special arrangement
Dieter Hettler
Postfach 73 03 47
Hamburg, D-22123 Germany
American, British zones: Michel 1-35
Berend Hey
Postfach 41 02 43
Bremen, D-28312 Germany
Occupation Issues, 1914-1918: Allenstein, Belgium,
Dorpat (Latvia), Northern France, Eastern Command, Poland (without local post), Romania
Peter Hille
Georg-Palitzsch-Str. 91
Dresden, D-01239 Germany
China, China: Shanghai
Harry Hofmann
Postfach 560156
Hamburg, D-22551 Germany
Latvia: postal history, including Wenden, Smilten,
Peter Holcombe
Postfach 1470
CH-6000 Lucerne 15
Worldwide to 1930
Dr. Ernst Hollmann
Tempelhofer Damm 228
Berlin, D-12099 Germany
Turkey Post
Walter Michael Hopferwieser
Santnergasse 61
Salzburg, A-5020 Austia
Space Mail, Rocket Mail
Dr. Alan Keith Huggins
Briar Lodge, 134 Berkley Avenue
Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 2RT England
Britain: postal stationery, specimen overprints, line-engraved and embossed issues (stamps and postal history); British Colonies:
postal stationery
Panos Ioannidis
28, Lyssikratous Str.
GR-17455 Alimos, Greece
Greece: Small Hermes Heads; Greece and
adjacent areas: overprints
Klaus Irtenkauf
Ekkehardstr. 3
Friedrichshafen, D-88046 Germany
Wurttemburg Michel 1-43
Wolf Ising
Moordamm 72
Ellerbek, D-25474 Germany
Charles Isaac
Rue Pythéas 1
Marseille, F-13001 France
France and French colonies
Wolfgang Jakubek
Oelboehm 3
Giekau, D-24321 Germany
Pre-philately: Bergedorf, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein;
Germany: Michel 67 (Vineta); USA, Confederate States
Rolf-Dieter Jaretzky
Langer Kamp 17
Braunschweig, D-38106 Germany
Mexico: 1856-1872
Dr. Michael Jasch
Ritterfelddamm 121
Berlin, D-14089 Germany
Soviet zone: Berlin and Brandenburg (Michel
1-7, Thuringen Michel 92-115, West Saxony, Michel 116-165.
Paul-Peter Jäschke
Rüdesheimer Str. 4
Bremen, D-28199 Germany
Germany: Michel 53-97 (without Michel
67); Official stamps: Michel 1-14
Michael Jäschke-Lantelme
Postfach 13 19
Dessau, D-06821 Germany
Germany: Michel 31-97 (without Michel
67); New Guinea: (without GRI); Carolinas, Mariana, Marshall Islands, Samoa
Bernd Juchert
Hauptstraße 99
Rädel, D-14797 Germany
Heinz Erwin Jungjohann
Jahnweg 7
St. Peter-Ording, D-25826 Germany
Poland: Generalgouvernement, stamps
and postal history; Port Gdansk
Pierre Kaiser
Rue du Midi 7
B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Belgium: stamps and postal history; Congo: stamps
Ing. Jan Karasek
P.O. Box 430
Brno 2, CZ-66030 Czech Republic
Takis Karatzas
115, Charilaou Trikoupi Str.
GR-11473 Athens, Greece
Crete; Greece: overprints on Crete
Francis Edgar Kiddle
Punch Tree House, Reading Rd.
North Fleet, Hants. GU51 4HS,
Morocco Agencies;
Kuwait; Gibraltar: stamps QV to KGV
Kurt Kimmel
C.P. 376
Massagno, CH-6908 Switzerland
Switzerland 1843-1907; Austria; Austrian Italy; Austrian
Levant; Liechtenstein 1850-1918; Ceylon 1857-1910; Venezuela 1859-1880
Prof. Dr. U. E. Klein
Postfach 11 53
Wilnsdorf, D-57234 Germany
Occupation issues: Lithuania, Marienwerder,
Seow Chuan Koh
6 Raffles Boulevard, No. 4-100 Marina Square
Singapore 039594, Singapore
German Reich:
Brustschilde; Dominican Republic: 1865-1920
Dr. Gotthard Kowollik
Postfach 134
Berlin, D-13091 Germany
Germany: 1916-1945 (Michel 96-337), official
stamps: Michel 16-98, official control prints
Hans-Ludwig Kramp
Salemer Str. 16
Schmilau, D-23911 Germany
Soviet Zone: Mecklenburg Michel 8-40; Local
issues 1945-46: Altentreptow, Demmin, Grabow
Wilhelm Kreft
Postfach 10 02 55
Wedemark, D-30900 Germany
WW2 fieldpost: Michel 13,16, East Prussia
Gerhard Krischke
Elkartallee 17
Hannover, D-30173 Germany
German occupation: Alsace, Estonia, Kotor,
Laibach, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Lettland, Lithuania, Lothringen, Northern Russia, Ionian Islands, Serbia, Ukraine,
Zara (isle off Greece)
Hansmichael Krug
Postfach 94 01 03
Frankfurt/Main, D-60459 Germany
German Reich: Brustschilde; Dominican
Republic: 1865-1920
Jens Kunz
Am Hellenberg 14/15
Üxheim, D-54579 Germany
Saxony: Michel 41-65; Local issues, 1945-46:
Apolda, Bad Schmiedeberg, Döbeln, Eckartsberga, Görlitz Grossraschen, Löbau, Niesky
Adhano Landini
Palazzo de L'Orso, Via del'Orso 7/A
Milano, I-20121 Italy
Austrian Italy, Italian Post
Office in China, Hong Kong & Treaty Ports
Gertraud Lange
Postfach 30 40 84
Hamburg, D-20313 Germany
Pre-philately: Braunschweig
Dieter Leder
Seepromenade 6
Meersburg, D-88709 Germany
Zeppelin Mail: postal history; Catapult Mail;
North/South Atlantic: postal history
John E. Lievsay
20 Center Drive
Old Greenwich, CT 06870, USA
Classic France; French Colonies: general
issues; RF overprints on US WWII airmail
José Llach
Avenida Diagonal 489
ES-08029 Barcelona, Spain
Spain, Spanish Colonies
Roger-Louis Loeuillet, RDP
326 Bd. de l'Observatoire
Nice, F-06300 France
France and colonies
Wilhelm van Loo
Aussemstr. 26
Aachen, D-52068 Germany
Kurland; fieldpost World War II, Michel 16
Dr. Albert Louis
Brunhildstrasse 2
Hürth, D-50354 Germany
England (without officials); Michel 1-101
Karl-Albert Louis
Adalbert-Stifter-Str. 31
Taunusstein-Hahn, D-65232 Germany
Great Britain: QV issues
David Lu
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
China Airmails: stamps and postal history
Emil Ludin
Marktplatz 12
Bretten, D-75015 Germany
German occupation 1943-44: Kotor, Zante, Zara, German
Reich Essays
Robert W. Lyman
P.O. Box 348
Irvington on Hudson, NY 10533, USA
British North America, New Zealand
David MacDonnell
P:O: Box 2500
Dublin 6, Ireland
Ireland: stamps and postal history
Jörg Maier
Postfach 10 10 03
Munich, D-80084 Germany
Chile (including the War of Pacific-Chilean Occupation
and the British Post Offices in Chile)
Lutz Maigatter
Postfach 11 04 51
Viersen, D-41728 Germany
Soviet zone: districts 36, 38
Jean-Claude Marchand
Case Postale 5106
Geneve 11, CH-1211 Switzerland
Switzerland from 1850 to date,
including cancellations
Martin Marco
Allenby Road 32, P.O. Box 4281
Tel Aviv, 61042 Israel
Romania, Levant, Israel
William H.P. Maresch
5th Floor 6075 Yonge St
Toronto ON, M2M 3W2, Canada
Canada, British North America
Peter Marxer
Postfach 4 31
Vaduz, FL?9490 Liechtenstein
Albert Matl
Friedlgasse 40
Wien, A-1190 Austria
Europe, Japan
Henry Mayer
Postfach 18 02
Uelzen, D-29528 Germany
Official control prints
Volker Mehlmann
Norfer Str. 18
Dormagen, D-41539 Germany
North German: post districts; Lothringen (1870-1871)
Leonid Melnikov
Ploshshad Pobedy No.1, Kor.D, Apt.43
RUS-121170 Moscow, Russia
Russia: pre-adhesive
period, cancellations, airmail (without astro-philately), Russia and Sowjet Union: stamps and postal history; Russian-Japanese
War 1904-1905
Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society International (MEPSI)
P.O. Box 1133
West Covina, CA 91793
Bernd Meyer
Postfach 143
Chemnitz, D-09001 Germany
Official stamps: Michel 16-98; Official control prints
1916-1945, Michel 96-337
Dipl. Ing. Zbigniew Mikulski
Kammelenbergstraße 15
CH-9011 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Poland, Russia
Carl Aage Møller
Parkaas 2
DK-2670 Greve Strand, Denmark
Denmark; Faroe Islands; Iceland; Greenland;
Danish West Indies
Dr. Fritz Modry
Postfach 10 13 32
Wernigerode, D-38843 Germany
Soviet zone: Saxony Michel 66-91, districts
20, 27, 29, 36, 37,38, 41; Police official stamps, perfins: DDR, Soviet zone, American and British zones
Hanfried Müller
Konstanzer Str. 39
Heidelberg, D-69126 Germany
World War II: East Prussian fieldpost;
Soviet zone: district 14
Rolf Frieder Müller
Pfotenhauer Str. 5/702
Dresden, D-01307 Germany
World War II : fieldpost, Michel
1-12, 14-15, 17
H.G. Müntz
P.O. Box 4174
Tel Aviv, Israel
Palestine Forerunners: Mandates and Israel
Alfredo Navarro Paya
Avda. Fernandez Ladreda, 20
Pontevedra (Galicia), Spain
Spanish postal forgeries
Till Neumann
Postfach 10 29 40
Bremen, D-28029 Germany
Pre-philately: Bremen
Dieter Newiger
Postfach 950
Berlin, D-10132 Germany
Italy: Michel 1-641, officials 1-36; Sardinia;
Japan (without World War II)
Christine Ney
Forststr. 27
Saarwellingen, D-66792 Germany
Saar; Saar officials Michel 1-32
Roland Novak
Postfach 11 08 65
Gießen, D-35353 Germany
American and British zones Michel 73-100
Helena Obermüller Wilén
P.O. Box 1283
S-14126 Huddinge, Sweden
Sweden 1855-1919
Robert P. Odenweller, RDP
P.O. Box 401
Bernardsville, N.J. 07924-0401, USA
New Zealand, Samoa up to
Dr. Helmut Oechsner
Gustav-Weiskopf-Weg 19
Nürnberg, D-90411 Germany
German Reich 1918-1923: Michel
Nos. 52-910 and related areas; Danzig 1920-1939
Juhani V. Olamo
Pihlajatie 2 A 8
FIN-00270 Helsinki, Finland
Finland; Ecuador
Horst Osper
Tuchschererstr. 42
Borken, D-46325 Germany
Danish West Indies, Denmark, Faroes, Greenland,
Erik E. Paaskesen
Sneppenlaan 33
Tervuren, B-1980 Belgium
Denmark, Danish West Indies, Faroe Islands
Hans-Hermann Paetow
Züricher Straße 110
Bremen, D-28325 Germany
Occupation: 1938-1945; Bohemia-Mahren;
General Government
Leonard Pascanu
Aleea Politehnicii, nr. 6 Bl.3, sc.2
Ap.20, Sector 6
77213 Bucuresti, Romania
(excl. Moldavia and Walachia)
Siegfried Paul
Postfach 46 03 72
Berlin, D-12213 Germany
DDR: 1949-1960; DDR: Official A Soviet zone:
Michel 182-241
Dr. Karl Pauligk
Postfach 16 36
Freiberg, D-09586 Germany
Morocco post; New Guinea (without GRI); East
Africa; Togo
Patrick C. Pearson, RDP
Valroben, Bowl Corner, Battisford
Stowmarket, Suffolk IP142LH, England
Kong, Western Australia, Ceylon, Iraq
Dr. Hans-Karl Penning
Irlenpütz 24
Bornheim, D-53332 Germany
Soviet zone: Saxony; Local issues, 1945-46:
Döbeln, Freudenstract, Glauchau, Görlitz, Netzschkau-Reichenbach, Nietsky, Titisee
Dr. Markus W.E. Peters
Nägelesgasse 15
D-73037 Göppingen-Hohenstaufen, Germany
Czechoslovakia 1918-1939;
Bohemia & Moravia: pre-philately; Bohemia & Moravia: 1939-1945, only stamps.
Stefan Petriuk
Neue Str. 3
Langballigholz, D-24977 Germany
Claus Petry
Grabauer Wag 30
Hamburg, D-22417 Germany
Germany 1872-1916: (Michel 31-52)
Volkmar Petzold
Postfach 10 04 01
Dresden, 01074
Soviet zone: districts 14, 16
Philatelic Federation of Finland
PL 257
FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finland
Philatelic Federation of Japan, Inc.
1-11-601 Kanda-Ogawamachi,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Japan, Japanese Occupations
Philatelic Foundation
70 West 40th St., 15th Floor
New York, NY 10018, USA
U.S.A. and Foreign pre-1940
Friedrich Pietz
Neptunweg 14
Nürnberg, D-90471 Germany
Pre-philately: Bavaria
Dipl.-Ing. Pavel Pittermann
Pescova 8/966
CZ-152 00 Praha-52-Hlubocepy, Czech Republic
1918-1939; Bohemia & Moravia: pre-philately; Bohemia & Moravia: 1939-1945, only stamps
Prof. Dr. Gottfried Pollmer
Werdermannstr. 18
Meißen, D-01662 Germany
Local issues 1945-46: Meissen
Kam Leung Poon
P.O. Box 9841
G.P.O. Hong Kong
China, Liberated Areas of China, Peoples' Republic of
China: stamps and postal history; U.S. Post Offices in China: stamps and postal history; Taiwan (Formosa): stamps and postal
Vsevolod V. Pritula
3-d Frunzenskaja 14-87
Moscow, CSI-119146 Russia
Russia before 1917, Soviet Union
after 1917, Air mail Russia and European countries, until 1940, Space mail
Professional Stamp Experts (PSE), Inc.
P.O. Box 43-0055
Miami, FL 33243-0055, USA
Dr. Luigi Raybandi-Massilia
P.O. Box 756
Rome, I-00187 Italy
Italian States
Maurizio Raybaudi-Massilia
via di Propaganda 27 (P.O. Box 756)
I-00187 Roma, Italy
Italy, Italian States,
overprinted European stamps
Emil Rellstab
Widenbülstraße 50
CH-8617 Mönchaltorf, Switzerland
Switzerland, excluding Official issues
Alex Rendon
P.O. Box 323
Massapenqua, NY 11762, USA
Bolivia, Colombia
Tilo Rismondo
Postfach 12
Chemnitz, D-09056 Germany
Pre-philately: Saxony; Austria 1850-1867
Dr. Roberto Rosende, RDP
50 Riverdale Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10701, USA
Royal Philatelic Society of London (R.P.S.L.) Ltd.
41 Devonshire Place
London W1N 1PE, England
Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand
P.O. Box 1269
Wellington, New Zealand
Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria
GPO Box 2071S
Melbourne, VIC. 3001
Jan Ryblewski
Beliny-Prazmowskiego 24
Krakow, PL-31514 Poland
Andreas Schlegel
Kurfürstendamm 36
Berlin, D-10719 Germany
Germany: 1916-1945, (Michel 338-910); Germany;
official stamps; Berlin; American and British zones: Michel 1-72, 101-110
Hans-Dieter Schlegel
Kurfürstendamm 36
Berlin, D-10719 Germany
Germany 1916-1945 (Michel 338-910); Germany:
official stamps Libya: occupation issues; American, British and French zones: Michel 36-72, 101-110; Allied occupation: Michel
911-970; Baden, Rhineland Michel 1-52; Berlin: booklets, coils, tete-beche type stamps
Johann Ulrich Schmitt
Hochleite 7
Diessen am Ammersee, D-86911 Germany
Bavaria: 1849-1875; Locals: Albania,
Crete, Epirus, Greece, Levant, Samos, Thessalonia, Thrace
Albert M. Schneider
1, Rue Favart
Paris, F-75002 France
France: postal history and cancellations, Prussian-French
War, Siege of Paris, Balloon Mail, Commune de Paris 1871
Heinz-Jörg Schönherr
Friedrich-Schmidt-Str. 24
Leipzig, D-04249 Germany
DDR: 1949-1960; officials A-E;
Soviet zone: Michel 212-241
Mag. Klaus Schopfer
Herzog-Friedrich-Strasse 19
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Austria: postal history
1815-1918; Bosnia: postal history
Karl-Heinz Schulz
Weg am Sportplatz 15 g
Norderstedt, D-22850 Germany
Pre-philately: Helgoland
Cyril Schwenson
Bahnhofstr. 16
Bad Bevensen, D-29549 Germany
Peter Sem
Kellerstr. 3
Gundelsheim, D-96163 Germany
Thurn and Taxis: 1852-1866; Bavaria: 1849-1875
José Ma. Sempere
Valendia, 229
Varcelona E-08007, Spain
Spain, philately and postal history
Richard Sheryer
6751 Barrisdale Dr.
Mississauga, ONT L5N 2H5, Canada
Canada, British Columbia, New Brunswick,
Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island
Hermann Walter Sieger
Venusberg 32-34
D-73545 Lorch, Germany
Air Mail: stamps and aerograms (especially
German Zeppelin and rocket mail); Liechtenstein
Rene Simmermacher
Rathausgasse 6
Staufen/Breisgau, D-79219 Germany
Corfu, Greece Mi. 1-157; Ionian Islands
Dr. Joachim Simon
Bundschuhweg 1
Zwickau, D-08060 Germany
Germany: 1872-1916, airmail of 1912; zeppelin
post; catapult mail
Bertrand Sinais
7, Rue de Châteaudun
Paris, F-75009 France
France: 20th century postal history and military
mail, French Aerophilately
Mrs. Zsuzsa Sipos
Kazal u. 113
Budapest, H-1031 Hungary
Hungarian classical stamps
Sergio Sismondo
10035 Carousel Center Drive
Syracuse, NY 13290-0001
Cape of Good Hope, Canada, British
North America
Jay Smith
P.O. Box 650
Snow Camp, WI 27349
Prof. Peter A.S. Smith
811 Mt. Pleasant Ave.
Ann Arbor, Mich. 48103
Egypt: postage stamps and postal
José Soler
Beethoven 13
E-08021 Barcelona, Spain
Spain and Spanish Colonies
Martin-W. Sommer
Tortonastr. 3
Weilburg, D-35781 Germany
Germany: 1872-1916 (Michel 1-30)
Silvano Sorani
Via Washington 74
Milano, I-20146 Italy
Italy: Michel 1-641; officials; Italy overseas;
Italian colonies; Albania, Crete, Kirchen, Papal States, San Marino, Sardinia; Trieste zone A; Vatican
Enrique Soro Bergua
Av. Lluis Companys, 23 - 4° 1a
San Cugat del Valles (Barcelona), E-08190 Spain
and Spanish Colonies; Spanish postal forgeries
Ronald F. Steuer
Stubenring 6
Wien, A-1010 Austria
Colonies forerunners, China post; New Guinea (without
GRI); Cameroon post (without CEF); Caroline Islands; Kiautschow; Marianias; Marshall Islands; Samoa; Togo
Wolfgang Straub
Wasserweg 1
Schöneck, D-61137 Germany
French zone: manuscript markings, emergency cancels,
postal stationery; Baden; Rheinland-Pfalz; Wurttemburg
Bodo Ströh
Postfach 14 24
Henstedt-Ulzburg, D-24550 Germany
Soviet zone: East Saxony Michel 41-65, West
Saxony Michel 116-165, Berlin and Brandenburg Michel 1-7, Saxony province Michel 66-91, Thuringen Michel 92-115, postmaster
perforations; Local issues 1945-46: Gorlitz, Nietsky
Swiss Association of Philatelic Experts
c/o Jean-Claude Marchand
P.O.Box 5106
CH-1211 Geneve 11, Switzerland
Peng Hian Tay
Jurong Point P.O. / P.O. Box 492
SGP-916417 Singapore, Singapore
Straits Settlements:
19th Century; Burma: pre-stamp period; India used in Burma; Netherlands East Indies: from pre-stamp period to 1872
Dr. Peter Tichatzky
Otto-Schmirgal-Str. 8
Berlin, D-10319 Germany
DDR: 1949-1960
Gregory C.G. Todd
P.O. Box 111
Lymington, Hampshire SO41 6ZJ, England
Dominican Republic; Mexico:
Yacov Tsachor
P.O. Box 16218
Tel Aviv, Israel
Israel, incl. Doar-Ivri, 1948 Interim; British Mandate
Palestine: postal history; Holy Land: Turkish and Foreign P.O.s: postal history
Michael Tseriotis
P.O. Box 57408
CY-3315 Limassol, Cyprus
Greece: Large Hermes Heads: postage stamps
and postal history
Rolf Tworek
Hamburger Str. 15
Soest, D-59494 Germany
Germany: 1916-1945 (Michel 96-337); official stamps
Michel 16-98; official control prints
Guy du Vachat
4, allée des Chalets
Villemomble, F-93250 France
James van der Linden
C.P. 1
B-4837 Baelen, Belgium
Belgium; Belgian Congo: stamps and postal history;
Transit markings, postal history, rates and routes: Atlantic, Europe East- West (without expertising the stamps)
Hendrik Willem van der Vlist
Schoolkade 31
NL-1556 KV Assendelft, Netherlands
Netherlands: postal
markings 1830-1950
Dr. Jovan Velickovic
Marsala Birjuzova 34
Beograd, YU-11000, Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia, incl. Serbia, Montenegro,
Bosnia (excl. some occupation issues 1941-1944)
Gabor Visnyovszki
P.O. Box 68
Budapest, H-1581 Hungary
Paolo Vollmeier, RDP
P.O. Box 108
Castagnola, CH-6976 Switzerland
Pre-adhesive material from Italy
Günter Wahl
Karl-Laux-Str. 17
Dresden, D-01219 Germany
Denmark, Faroes, Greenland, Iceland, Danish West
Indies, Sweden to 1900
Helmut Weigelt
Heinz-Schnaufer-Str. 38
Calw, D-75365 Germany
DDR: officials A-E; Local issues 1945-46:
Alto öbern
Dieter Weinbuch
Forstenrieder Allee 24 1
D-81476 München, Germany
Germany: 1916-1945 (Michel 96-337);
official stamps; official control prints
Manfred Wiegand
Max-Born-Ring 31
Göttingen, D-37077 Germany
Germany: 1872-1916 (Michel 31-52)
Michael Wieneke
An der WalIkmühle 23
Köln, D-51069 Germany
Occupation issues 1938-45: Channel Islands;
Wolfgang Windel
Glashütter Kirchenweg 21
Norderstedt, D-22851 Germany
Hartmut Winkler
Postfach 52
Dettingen, D-72581 Germany
Wurttemberg: Michel 44-62; official stamps, telegraph
stamps; Germany: 1916-1945 (Michel 96-337); official stamps Michel 16-98; official control print
Richard Winter
31 Flagship Cove
Greensboro, NC 27455, USA
Transatlantic Mails: postal history
Karoly Zaborsky
Galamb u. 7
Budapest, Hungary
Hungary, first issues
Dr. Fiorenzo Zanetti
Via Sardegna 30
I-20146 Milano, Italy
Albania: Italian period, civil and military
P.O.s; Eritrea: postal history; Somalia; Libya: Italian P.O.s; Italian P.O.s abroad; Italian Dodecanese/Aegean Islands; San
Dipl.-Ing Predrag Zrinjscak
Industriestr. 21
D-75181 Pforzheim, Germany
Croatia; Trieste Zone B; Istria
Zone B; Yugoslavia
Zumstein & Cie.
Inhaber M. Hertsch & Co.
Zeughausgaße 24
CH-3000 Bern 7, Switzerland